Identity theft crime is not unusual today. It has become common especially significant increase in reported cases, a victim as reported by the FTC. What not many people know is that there are actually different types of identity theft. Each type affects our lives in certain areas. Knowledge of various types of identity theft will enable you to combat these crimes effectively.
1 Financial identity theft. You can not blame people when they think about credit reports and draining bank accounts as soon as they hear the words "identity theft". This is so because of the large-scale data breach, such as TJ Maxx and Heartland Payment Systems, which has affected millions of users of credit cards. While people still believe a diversified financial institution, can not deny that I believe has already shaken. Some people even thought of keeping their money under the mattress again.
2 Medical identity theft. This is probably the hardest ID theft case to be fixed. According to the World Health Organization, medical identity fraud is the "information crime that can kill you .'
3 Criminal identity theft. This one is just as bad as the previous type of ID theft. Probably the easiest way to find out if you were a victim of this crime is to get caught speeding or beating the red light. officer who will stop you obviously will run your license and registration as a matter of procedure.
If there are warrants out for his arrest, although you can not remember when you have done any crime punishable by law, then you can be sure that someone else does it for you. Of course, you can not expect every police offer trust to tell you, "it was not me 'or' someone else did it." They hear that everyday. It is therefore important to keep your personal information outside the scope of the public, so they will not fall victim to any of these identity thefts. Again, another question comes to mind: what documents should I shred and which should remain
?you are most at risk with your snail mail or paper. In the United States alone, more than 100 million pieces of mail delivered to the United States Postal Service everyday. Every mail has some kind of identification data that identity thieves can use against you. Here are the things that come from your mail that you should shred:
1 Financial documents - any mail that comes from the financial institution may potentially use the identity thief. Of course, you need to keep your bank and credit card statements for filing purposes, but only keep those who are 3 years old. All older than that should be shred.
2 Documents containing personal information - ID theft are possible only if the identity thieves can get hold of your personal information. Your date of birth and Social Security number are particularly vulnerable.
3 Documents containing account information - account numbers, user names and passwords are the essential information that identity thieves try to catch
.4 Junk mail - junk innocent and May as they do, they can be potentially dangerous. Some junk mails are specially encoded to at least one scan may disclose your personal information. Shred them with an envelope that came with it.
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